^Art by Charlotte Bruja

Dimensional art • Chapter one

The arrow ran from red to blue. Although green is the inversion of red, the rhythm-giving mechanism arose within the living. There is no filter, but the green has simply melted into the blue.

There may be a broken window that absorbs energy from the sun, moon and stars at the same time; an oh-so-modern curved sand screen with – red lovely curtains – which closes automatically and on time, should the ‘potentially shattering screen window‘ heat up, namely a moment wherein danger arises; solved by eliminating the light supply and therefore the energy.

A reflection of orange and lemon brought shades over these stairs. As an attractive force to the path upwards, seeing a mixture within and; various experiences point to the ‘yellow staircase‘ with which the source of the solution is found, when in fact it’s an energy pack, set into action, resulting in a transforming unit of efficient and creative brain processes – and responses. This is a part of the chip that states: ‘advanced problem solving‘.

While climbing the stairs we meet a connection between an emphatic companion and a baby child within the ‘controlling grey matter‘. As small as they seem, as far as they are. There already is an understanding of how important connection is – and that after a lifetime that is so short – the beings simply seem unable to feel time or interpret. It’s noticed; they live in ‘the power of now‘. They are who they seem. Without awareness they send energetic and motivational ‘evolutionary modernization‘. This is where the beginning of the hung tooth and ‘the digital revolution‘ arises. The world is becoming a big sister bot that’s always observing. The world is watching your quantum.

Dimensional art • Chapter two

The whale represents itself as one of the animals that live for the longest. Are the connected brain toddlers truly that young? Or does this represent the similarity between young and old? Are they under water? The – big long living fish – says hello.

There’s a bit of brain fog and a lack of clarity in the upper part of the mind. The back of the mind feels heavy. The stern presents itself as rainy packed clouds – the cumulonimbus – however… this rain is purple. The, in particular; back of the mind – is most annoyed by the clouds not being rainy (just yet). It feels it’s heaviness and, seeks sharpness.

Purple rain, purple rain. The ‘younger old toddlers‘ can’t wait until they’re able to dance. However… since they live in the now, patience is a possession they both carry. The time passing by doesn’t hurt them. 

There´s a bubble. A bubble and a scissor. It´s open now. It´s open in the future. Isn´t the future already here? We don’t think so.

The underworld begins with pigeons and floors. Within the underneath, the underground. Only the coots are able to see that part of the world. These birds record everything, see everything, and share everything. They’re the ‘under-birds‘. Above are ‘people who call themselves elites‘ who give commands to the coots. Coots get food in return; plastic-free and ‘stamina stimulating‘. All the elites look for is money. – Is that truly true?

Dimensional art • Chapter three

As we cannot judge art by its cover, we’re eager to see the inside. The body is a carrier of the soul, and the soul contains depth and mystery. We tend to look at faces and have opinions. Opinions are okay as long as there’s awareness about the likely hood of it being false.

Sometimes we have to push through the first lines; and seek beyond the brain chemicals that are released in the ‘now‘. The more difficult this seems, the less we try. We sometimes forget how beautiful everyone is, because we tend to form opinions immediately. When the time arises wherein the first opinions we’ve had about a particular cover change – then there is a good chance of even better and greater ‘brain chemical releasements‘.

The ring in the nose of her face, tells us we live in circles who either down- or upgrade. As high as the upperpart seems, it’s definitely not greater than ‘the powerful and loving sword‘.

Dimensional art • the poem

A universe of the future
The coots are recording
Sounds create souls boarding

From climbing to falling
The living and dead
Elites are giving the coots bread

We see through
Beyond covers
Find the core
Love isn’t sore

A ‘powerful and love- enriching
Double edged sword

There’s the trojan horse
Within the specie, who distort

We find ourselves entering pathways
Following arrows
Being inside the lines
Don’t always follow the signs

All our senses
Bundled and seen
The digital revolution
Scary and not keen

From decoration to accords
We face our own lords
Set the future free
Of this ‘revolutionary frisbee

We must listen to ‘the black box

Unzip the socks
And hear the toes


The processing may take a while.

By WorldLoveAdmin

A modern salvation knight

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